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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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526 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

Tuesday morning Aprill the 19th 1720
The House meett according to Adjournment


His Excellency the Governour

Col Holland
Col Young
Esqr Hall
Col Addison

Esqr Lloyd
Esqr Lowe
Col. Ward &
Esqr Bordley.

By the Upper House of Assembly
Aprill 19th 1720
Gentl. On perusing the Supplementary Act to the Act En-
tituled an Act for Settling the Revenue on her present Maj-
esty's Governour and your message relateing thereto,
His Excellency Expresses great Satisfaction at your Ap-
probation of his Conduct in the Admrcon of this Government
and takes the proposed Act as an Evidence of your Esteem,
But Seems to be of Opinion that Since his Intended Speedy
Departure will Clogg the Collection of that Duty with some
Difficulties your good Intentions will be rendered more Ef-
fectuall in his favour & less Chargeable to us if we made the
money raised thereby payable in a twelve month to the Treas-
urers for the Defraying the publick Charge of this Province
& in Lieu thereof should Order the Treasurers to pay him
what may be by a Moderate Computation Supposed to Arise
on the said Duty by that Tobo that shall be Exported by the

p. 72

first of November next this proposall Seems to be so agreeable
to your gracious Intentions that we doubt not your Concurr-
ence therewith and shall therefore only Desire you to make
such Estimate as you think may Answer the Intent and
Advance the publick Stock.

Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl. Up. Ho.

Sent to the Lower House by Esqr Hall Col Addison & Col.
Ward who return and say they Delivered the same

By the Upper House of Assembly

Aprill the 19th 1720
We are Clearly of Opinion with that of your house Com-
municated to us by your Message of the 15th instant and are
Equally Surprized at the Effect of your Address as you are.
But as the Aggrievances Complained of by that Address are
not remedied but the Imposers of them rather encouraged by

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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