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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 525

Smithson late of Dorchester County Gent & Thos Smithson
late of Talbot County Esqr decd &c.
Which is thus Endorst Viz.

By the Lowr house of Assembly

U. H.

Aprill the 18th 1720
May itt please Your Honrs

This House are not willing to alter the Bill as to the Sale of
the said Smithson's Lands But that they remain to be Sold
generally towards Satisfieing the parties Injured by the War-
ranty therein menconed their Sevll Damages and Costs but
are willing the Sevll Devisees shall have the Liberty of re-
deeming their respective Estates devised them as well by the
Heirs as to the Amendment in makeing the widow Wrightson
Restitution for the rents She has paid And of Adding Col
Tilghman in the Stead of Mr Dashiel we Agree with your
Honrs with which if your House Concurrs the Bill may be
Amended and will pass.
Signed p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

To which Endorsment of the afd Bill the following Message
is prepared Viz

By the Upper House of Assembly
Apr ill the 18. 1720
Gentl. The Amendment proposed to the Bill for Sale of
Col Smithson's of Talbott County and Thos Smithson's of
Dorchester County Gentl their Lands &c. we think requires
the Amendment proposed for the preferring the Devisees to
publick and Pious uses to those that are only private p sons
since we apprehend the Deviser lays not under any particular
Obligation to the private Devisees more than to the publick:
And in all Acts of more Generosity and good will we think
those for a publick Bennefitt ought to be preferred to any

p. 70

private one by how much a genl good is preferable to any
pticular one with which Amendment the Bill will pass.
Signed p Ordr John Beale Cl Up Ho.

And sent together with the said Bill to the Lower House by
Esqr Lloyd who returns & says he Delivered the. Same

The House Adjourns untill to-morrow Eight a Clock

p. 71

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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