An Act for rectifying the ill Practice of Attorneys of
this Province, and ascertaining the Attorney-General
and Clerk of Indictments Fees.
An Act for securing Merchants (and Others) Tobacco,
after they have received it.
An Act for the Directions for the Sheriffs Office in this
Province, and for the more easy Payment of the Public
and County Levies.
An Act for the Appointment of Constables, and what re-
lates to their Office.
An Act relating to Servants and Slaves.
An Act ascertaining the Height of Fences, to prevent the
Evil occasioned by the Multitude of Horses, and re-
straining Horse-Rangers within this Province.
An Act relating to the Standard of English Weights and
An Act for the taking Special Bail in the several Counties
of this Province, upon Actions and Suits depending in
his Majesty's Provincial Court.
An Act for the speedy Trial of Criminals, and ascertain-
ing their Punishments in the County Courts when
prosecuted there.
An Act for Quieting of Possessions, Enrolling Convey-
ances, and Securing the Estates of Purchasers.
An Act providing what shall be good Evidence to prove
Foreign and other Debts ; and to prevent vexatious and
unnecessary Suits at Law, and pleading Discount in
An Act prohibiting all Masters of Ships or Vessels, or
any other Persons from transporting or conveying
away any Person or Persons out of this Province with-
out Passes.
An Act for the better Administration of Justice in Pro-
bate of Wills, and granting Administrations, recovery
of Legacies, and securing Filial Portions.
An Act imposing Threep ence per Gallon on Rum and
Wine, Brandy and Spirits, and Twenty Shillings per
Poll for Negroes, for raising a Supply to defray the
Public Charge of this Province ; and Twenty shillings
per Poll on Irish Servants, to prevent the Importing
too great a Number of Irish Papists into this Province,
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
Town and Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day of Sep-
tember, Annoq. Domini 1704.