An Act for repealing a Clause in an Act of Assembly,
entitled, An Act for Establishment of Religious Wor-
ship in this Province, &c. and for appointing the Oath
of Abjuration to be taken in this Province, made at a
Session of Assembly, begun and held at the Town and
Port of Annapolis, the 26th Day of October, 1703.
An Act ascertaining what Damage shall be allowed on
Protested Bills of Exchange.
An Act ascertaining Fees to the Attorneys and Practi-
tioners of the Law, in the Courts of this Province, and
for levying the same by way of Execution.
An Act for appointing Court Days in each respective
County within this Province, made at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis, the
Twenty-ninth Day of November, 1708.
An Act to declare how the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per
Poll, in such Parishes where there is no Incumbent,
shall be disposed of, made at a Session of Assembly
begun and held at the Town and Port of Annapolis, the
26th Day of April, 1704.
An Act to reform the ill Practice of High Sheriffs within
this Province, made at a Session of Assembly begun
and held at the City of Annapolis, the 26thDay of Octo-
ber 1709.
An Act for the ordering and regulating the Militia of this
Province, for the better Defence and Security thereof.
An Act for causing Grand and Petit Juries and Witnesses
to come to the Provincial and County Courts, made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the Town and
Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day of December, 1704.
An Act for quieting Differences that may arise between
his Majesty's Subjects of this Province, and the several
Nations of Indians, of what Place soever, made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the Town and
Port of Annapolis, the Twenty-sixth Day of April
An Act for Punishment of Persons selling or transport-
ing of any Friend Indian or Indians, out of this Prov-
ince, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at
the Town and Port of Annapolis, the Fifteenth Day of
May, 1705.
An Act for securing Persons Rights to Town Lands,
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, the Twenty- fourth Day of October,