Coursey Col Young John Hall Esqr Col Addison Col Smyth
Col Tilghman & Henry Lowe Esqr Viz.
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
The humble Address of the Lievtt Govr and General As-
sembly of Maryland
We your Majestys Dutiful and Loyall Subjects of the
Province of Maryland, the Leivtt Govr and uper and lower
houses of Assembly Convened under the Right honourable
Charles Lord Baron of Baltimore the Lord Propry of this
Province humbly begg leave to Congratulate your Majesty
upon your glorious & happy successes against all the Invet-
erate & declared Enemies of your Majestys August house
Who by their wicked & restless practices have of late Assidu-
ously attempted the Subversion of our happily Establisht
Constitution by endeavouring to Impose a Pretender upon
us and by engaging in a second barbarous & treasonable design
of Involveing your Majestys Subjects by the Assistance of