Sent to the Upper house by Coll: Phillips and Mr Caldwell.
They return and say they delivered it.
The house adjourns till One a Clock in the afternoon.
Post Meridiem.
The house meet According to Adjournment.
The report of the Commissioners appointed to lay out the
City of Annapolis &c was read and ordered to be entered as
follows Viz.
By the Commissioners appointed to Survey and lay out the
City of Annapolis &ca
May the 22d 1719
Pursuant to the Directions of a clause in an Act of As-
sembly of this Province Entituled An Act for the Settling all
Disputes Concerning the boundaries of the severall Lotts with-
in the City of Annapolis and confirming the same to the re-
spective takers up Improvers and purchasers thereof and for
laying out ten Acres of land out of the Town pasture into
twenty lotts more to be Added to the said City,
Impowering and Authorizing us to enquire if any thing be
due, and if any thing, what is due from the Publick for any