And Sent to the Upper House by Mr Hill and the rest of the
Gentlemen of that Committee.
They return and say they delivered it.
Coll: Young from the Upper house delivers Mr Speaker
the bill for the relief of John Beale thus Endorst Viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly June the 4th 1719.
Read and will Pass.
Signed p Order John Beard Cl. Up. Ho
which was read again and past for Engroseing.
Col. Addison from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the bill against buying and Selling offices Thus endorst Viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly June the 4th 1719.
Read and will pass wth the Proviso proposed by the Lower
Signed p order. John Beard Cl Up. House.
Which was read againe and past for Engrossing And sent
to the Committee of laws to be Engrost.
Coll: Tilghman and Coll. Ward from the Upper House
delivers Mr Speaker the following Message Viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly June the 4th 1719
We have Appointed Coll: Richd Tilghman and Coll: Mat-
thew Tilghman Ward to Joyn with some of the Members of