The Lower House. 369
them no other return but to Compassionate their mistakes, &
to conjure them, for their own peace, to live quietly and con-
tentedly in their never yet Disturbed habitations under the
Protection of this Protestant Government, without intermed-
ling with the Ministerial part of it, or draw the resent [ment]
of the laws on them, by their pernicious and mistaken zeal in
makeing Proselytes to their Religion, of which there is but
[too much] Cause to Complain; and I Can Assure them they
are not to hope for other terms from the Lord Proprietor when
of age, For that Noble Youth has Solemnly promised to make
the Law, Justice, and Loyaltie the Standard of his Govern-
ment. These are pious wise and manly Resolutions, And his
Lordship has given me leave to Assert (which I do in his own
Words) That his Actions will always correspond with his
Such gracious expressions, from his Lordship fills me with a
reall Pleasure. I Could not wish a happyer exit to my cares ;
and I doubt not after the Test of Years to come, it will be
found, I have been contending for his Lops true Honour and
L. H. J.
Interest as well as the peace and prosperity of this flurishing
Province. And I do most heartily congratulate you on the
fair prospect you have of both before you And may the bounty
of Heaven Preserve and increase these blessings to you, till
time is no more.
Gent of the Upper & Lower Houses.
I am informed that Since the printing the laws of this
Province, that the act Commonly called the repealing Act,
which you will find in the printed Volume Page 170, has
created a doubt in the minds of many as if that Act, had Re-
pealed the Laws made that Sessions.
It must be Acknowledged, that Act is not so clearly and well
expressed, as it might and ought to have been. But as the
Scruples that are rais'd upon it, may prove of Evill conse-
quence, It lyes upon you to make such an explanation, as shall
remove all contests that may arise in argument on it.
The lives and fortunes of the Subject Depending so much
on the integrity & Capacity of Juryes, I offer it to your Con-
sideration whether the laws make a Sufficient provision for the
returns of Jurys, and whether those laws are well executed
or not, and as you are by the Lord Proprietors Charter, tc
come as near as possible to the laws and Customes of England,
I propose it to you to follow their example, where no Com-
moner is thought too good to Serve his Country as a Juryman.
p. 9
You have already given so many signal proofs of your
Zealous inclinations, to propagate learning within this Prov-
p. 10