370 Assembly Proceedings, May 14- June 6, 1719.
L. H. J.
ince that I need not enforce the necessity of it by any further
Arguments ; But as I know your abilities do not come up to
your desires for that laudable end, and that as yet the fund
you have provided is not Sufficient to Maintain one free school,
at least in every County as it is much to be wish'd it would,
I offer it to your Consideration whether on your Humble ad-
dress to his Sacred Majesty (to be transmitted by my Lord
propretary) Setting forth the truth, that you receive no benefit
or advantage from the duty laid on your Tobacco exported to
the Other plantations, altho that duty is appropriated by the
Crown to the Promoting of learning in these parts of his
Majestys Dominions it is probable his Majty, who has given so
Large examples of his goodness for the encouragemt of learn-
ing in great Britain, will be pleased to extend his bounty here,
and direct you some benefite or Equivalent for that fund, that
was intended for the increase of learning amongst you. I
say, what may you not expect from so pious, so Gracious & so
benevolent a Soveraigne as now fills the Throne, whom God
long Preserve in all felicity to do So.
There are so many advantages for the makeing and repair-
p. 11
ing of High roads, that the thing Speaks itself, so shall only
observe to you that the Laws in force for that purpose are not
in [m ] any parts of the Province put in due execution ; and as I
conceive, it proceeds from the want of a Sufficient penalty on
the Overseers, and on those that refuse to pay obedience to
their Orders and that Generally the meanest of the people are
appointed to those Offices which Obliges me to repeat, what
I said on another Occasion no man is too good to serve his
I recomend to you in a particular manner as a publick use
and Honour to this Province that you will make such provision
as you shall find necessary for the building a Bridge over the
River Patuxent at Queen Ann Town in this County and for
makeing a Safe and convenient road, over that Dangerous
place called Kent Marshes on the Eastern Shore. These two
places being the great road, through the Heart of this Country,
and also the usuall and Shortest passage for all travellers to,
and from his Majestys plantatins on this continent.
Since I find the excessive Charge to the Country for the
Killing of Squirrells, does not decrease in proportion to what
was expected, I Do again desire that law may be taken into
consideration, and this I propose from my tender Regard,
for the Good of this Province, which I shall always have at
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Heart, & am Even carefull, least you should hurt your Selves,
tho by your own consent. And what will Posterity and
Strangers say, When they are Informed, the Warr you make