368 Assembly Proceedings, May 14- June 6, 1719.
L. H. J.
Impunity it would destroy the very essence of all Authority
and power amongst you, which are principally constituted to
pull down, and punish the haughty and the Bad, and to Sup-
port and Cherish the humble and good. I do therefore recom-
end it to you to make such provision, as may Support the
Magistrates in the Administration of Justice, which may not
be lyable to the former exception, and this you will find agree-
able to their Lordships Opinions & inclinations.
Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower house.
I have the Honour to receive late letters from their Lord-
ships Signifying their Concern & resentment for the indirect
and Malicious Proceedings of Some of the Roman Catholicks
against me,
Which gives me great Satisfaction so that depending on
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their Lordships favour & protection it is unwillingly I again
Name that Community in a publick manner, were it not to
disabuse those persons whom they have unjustly prepossessed
against me, by urging that the Roman Catholicks are under a
persecution in Maryland, which in this place is so well Known
to be a Notorious untruth, that it Scarcely deserves a Reply.
But their Clamours on this Score haveing reached Great
Britain with very aggravating Circumstances I am laid under
a necessity of Justifying my Character from this barbarous
Imputation in this open way to the World, by Declaring I
never had other Views or intentions against the Roman Cath-
olicks, but to prevent their Imploying of Offices or of having
any influence, either Publickly or Privately on the Adminis-
tration of this Government, and this I looked upon as my in-
dispensible duty as a Governour, and I know no cause to alter
my Sentiments, when in Private capacity and am always
ready, when required to give an account of My Conduct and
Stewardship to My Superiors
As for the unreasonable cry of persecution, I do now in the
face of the Countrey, challenge and defy the Roman Cath-
olicks or their Adherents to Shew one Instance wherein they,
or any of them have been persecuted for conscience sake or
even prosecuted by law on that Account, And this I desire may
be made as Publick as possible to the end that all that are
Concern'd may have due notice of it, both on my own account,
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And for the Justification of the Magistracy of this Province
from this false Assertion of Violence and Inclemencie. I am
now Convinced their are Some of the Romish Perswasion, and
to their praise I speak it, who have not Joyned with the Major-
ity of that People in their late Ambitious pretentions yet what-
ever Provocations these last have given me, I shall now make