314 Assembly Proceedings, May 14 - June 6, 1719.
U. H. J.
Sufficiently Evince the Necessity of Convening us at this
Time Altho ill convenient to our Private Affairs but as we
shall preferr the Publick good to any Private Intrest of our
Own we shall Endeavour with such Unanimity and Diligence
to Apply and Exert ourselves to the Dispatch of the Business
now before us As may Render Ourselves Equally Acceptable
to Your Excy & our Country.
Wee are thankfull for their Lordships the Lords Guilford
& Baltemores Approbation of Our late Proceedings in Assert-
ing the Authority of his Court and psons of his Ministers And
we shall most sincerely Endeavour to meritt the Like Appro-
bation by useing Our utmost Indeavours for the Strength-
ning and Continuance thereof. Tho we must Acknowledge
that we are under some Concern to find the Justice of the
Legislature Questioned upon the Private Opinion of some
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Gent of the Law when we Doubt not but if the Reasons that
moved them to the passing of that Act Both as to the Matter
and manner of it had been heard by Disinterested psons their
Opinion would rather Inclined their Lordships to have con-
firmed than Repealed it And we must Declare to your Excy tis
Surprizing to find that Gent so Eminent for Learning in the
Laws of Great Brittain as those that have assigned their
Opinion in that Case should Assert that a Lawyers Contemn-
ing the Authority and Affronting the -psons of the Judges he
pleads before & Daring a Court of Judicature to pceed ag'
Criminalls for whom he Pleads & the Other Reasons assigned
in the Preamble of that Law Especially in his persisting in a
Continued Course of Misbehaviour were not sufft Causes
for the Courts that were so used by him to barr him of his
Practice before them and it seems much more Surprizing that
the Legislative Body of this Province should be accused by
the Opinion of those Gent of being unjust and Arbitrary in
their pceedings for making a Law on the Representation of
those Magistrates which Only Add Life and Vigour to their
Resolutions in that part.
Wee believe your Excy was not Apprized of that Law being
past in the Lower House without hearing the Perticular pson
it affected nor of their Reason for their so Doing one of Which
Among many Others (which we shall begg Leave to Remark
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hereafter is) That tho we had Good Reason to Believe he had
notice of the first Vote that Passt for it yet that he made no
Application to be heard till after the Engrost Bill Came from
the Uper House Assented to at wch Time we Adjudged his
Proper Application lay to your Excy it seeming unparlia-
mentary to Call in Question a bill Solemnly past by us and
another is That the Court before whom he pleaded having
Condemned his Behaviour the Judges whereof were the