Read at this Board the petition of George Walls of Charles
County seting forth that he hath resided within the County
afd for the space of thirty years in all which time he hath
behaved himself Industriously frugally & honestly and hath
Endeavoured by all Lawfull means to support himself &
family & to pay & Satisfy all his Just debts, But such are his
unhappy Circumstances that through the Providence of Al-
mighty God by losses at Sea, by being brought in Debt for
several Quantities of Tobo shipt by him in very bad times &
by several other disappointments he is become indebted to
several psons in Considerable sums of mony and Tobo for
recovery whereof several of the Crs afd have psecuted him to
finall Judgmt & Execution by force whereof he has been de-
tained in the Custody of the Sherriffe of the sd County for
near two years last past And still continues without the least
hopes of Redemption whereby his family Consisting of a
wife & severall small Children are reduced to great want &
penury, Wherefore he humbly supplicates his Excellency &
this house that leave be given him to bring in a Bill for his
relief he being willing to surrender & Deliver up all his Estate
of what nature soever to the Creditors afd And Submitt him-
self Intirely to such Orders & Rules for the Effecting thereof
as to his Excy & this House shall seem Expedient.
Which was thus endorst Viz.
By the up Ho: of Assembly June 5. 1717
The within Petition is referred to the Lower house of As-
Signed p order Jno Beard Cl Up ho.