U. H. J.
said Lordship to Support the Government of this Province.
And forasmuch as the Imposition of two shillings p hogshead
formerly setled by his Noble Ancestors in Consideration of
their Accepting of their Alienation fines & Quitt Rents in
Tobo at two pence p pound determined on the death of Charles
late Lord Propry of this Province, So that the Rents due to
this present Lord Propry are payable in mony And that it
would not only tend much to the disappointment of his Lord-
ship in the due Receipt of his Rents but also to the manifest
disadvantage of such Tenants, as should hold their Lands
under Conditions of such punctuall payments as the Tenour
of their grants require and to the disinheriting many who
wou'd be Obliged to Surrender their Estates for want of
Ability to Comply therewith, which in all pbability wou'd put
a great Check to the future Cultivation of the remote & forrest
Lands of this pvince And be a Cause to Severall of those
remoter Inhabitants to desert their yet but poor Improvements
All which Inconveniencies this prsent Genll Assembly desire
may be pvided against. And forasmuch as the Quantity of
Tobacco now Usually Exported in an hhd of the Guage by this
Act setled Exceeds the quantity which was Comonly reputed
to be the Contents of an hhd at the time when the afd Impo of
two Shillings p Hhd was Setled And also that altho the number