Collo Addison from the upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill for removing Prince George's County Court House
thus Endorst viz:
By the upper House of Assembly May 6th 1718.
Read the first time and by especiall Order will pass.
Signd p Order Jno Beard Cl: up. ho.
Which was read and ordered to be thus endorst, May 6th
1718 read & past for engrosing.
Signed p Order Mic Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.
And sent to the Comittee of Laws to be engrost.
Colo Tilghman from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
The Peto of the Vestry of St Ann's Parish thus Endorst viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly May the 6th 1718.
This peto being read tis referred to the Consideration of
the lower House.
Signed p Order Jno Beard Cl: Up. Ho:
Which was read and ordered that the parties Concerned
appear this Afternoon.
And the peticon of John Steele Esqr praying Leave to bring
in a Bill to Qualifie him for the holding Offices notwithstand-
ing his not being in the Province three years thus Endorst