move Such obstruccons which Seem to impede the Ecclesi-
asticall Jurisdiction and Authority in this Province of the
right reverend the Lord Bishop of London, This Conference
think themselves obliged by their Duty to God to Yield all due
Obedience to the Discipline of our Mother Church of England
as by law established but as this Infant Province has not
hitherto had the Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction exercised in it
And therefore are in a great part Strangers to it's Powers
and Authorities of punishing Crimes and Offences whereby
We are rendred uncapable of Judging how farr it may have
power to punish those Crimes that at the same time may be
punishable in the Severall Courts of Law in this Province, wch
if so would be very grievous to the people. The Consideration
of which they humbly Conceive would be a Work that may
require length of Time Wherefore they humbly offer the
further Consideracon thereof of his Excy & the two Houses
of Assembly.
Sign'd p Order Jno Beard Cl Conferrence
Which was read and referred till the afternoon.
The house adjourns till one a Clock in the afternoon.
Post-Meridiem. The house meet According to Adjourn-
The peto from the City of Annapolis read & Leave is given
to bring in a Bill as prayed as to the City but no wise to Meddle
with the Town Comon and that ten Acres more be laid out in
twenty Lots.