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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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242 Assembly Proceedings, April 22-May 10, 1718.


The Same day it is offered as an Aggrievance by Colo Na-
thaniel Hynson that upon the Third Day of March last one
Richard Snowden of Ann arundell County Came to the house
of the Said Hynson and out of his Said House took a silver
Can by way of Distraint for Land rent as he pretended.

p. 56

It is therefore left to the Consideracon of the House
whether the said Snowden could distrain or not in Such
manner as he did
Signed p Order Phill Hamond Clk Com

On reading the first part whereof offered by Mr Brannock
and Mr Reynolds peticon resolv'd the same is a Breach of
Priveledge and that the said John Brannock be not taken till
after this Sessions
And as to the last part of that report relating to Coll Hyn-
son and Richard Snowden the same is referrd till next Ses-
sions and ordered that the said Snowden appear then to
answer the same and leave is given to Subpoena Evidences.
Colo Mackall from the Conferrence appointed on the repre-
sentacon of the Clergy returns the following report viz:

Maryland ss. At a Conference appointed by his Lpps upper
& lowr Houses of Assembly to Consult on the representacon
laid before the said Houses by the Reverend Clergy of this
Province held in the Library on the Second day of May Anno
Dmi:i7i8 Present

The honrble|

Colo Wm Holland
Colo Samll Young &
Colo Thos Addison

Members of the
upper House.

The honble

Colo John Mackall
Maj Thomas Emerson
Capt Henry Pere: Jowles
Mr Nathaniel Dare
Mr James Lloyd &
Mr William Turbut

Members of the
Lower House.

Who make Choice of Col Wm Holland to be Chairman & of
John Beard to be their Clerk.

p. 57

The Conference adjourns till to morrow morning Seven a

May the 3d 1718
The Conference meet: present as Yesterday.
In Answer to the Representation of the reverend Clergy
laid before the upper and lower Houses of Assembly to re-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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