Resolved in the affirmative by the Majority of Votes. Bill for
Supplying Defects in a Conveyance from Gary Burridge and
Cole to Browne was read & thus endorst viz:
By the lower House of Assembly May the 3d 1718.
Read the first and Second times by especiall Order & will
Sign'd p Order M: Jenifer Cl: Lo. Ho:
& sent to the upper house by Mr Tyler and Mr Warfield
They return & say they delivered it.
Mr Tyler from the Comittee of Aggrievances delivers Mr
Speaker the following Report viz:
At a Comittee holden at Mrs Mary Dodd's the 2d day of May
Mr Robert Tyler Chairman
Mr Charles Wright
Coll: Nathl Hynson
Capt Daniel Mariarte
Capt. Thomas Dent
Who Proceed the Same day to hear the Aggrievance offered
by Mr John Brannock.
The aggrievance which was offered by Mr John Brannock
was whether a Member of this Honble House taken in Exe-
cucon within Twenty Days after the Prorogacon of the As-
sembly before this last Sessions be not a Breach of Priveledge.
Upon the hearing of Severall Debates it is the Opinion of
this Comittee that it is a Breach of Priviledge of the House
therefore referr it to their Consideracon
Signed p Ordr Phil: Hamond Cl. Com.