Fryday May 2d 1718
The house meets according to Adjournment
Yesterday's Proceedings are read.
On reading the report of the Conferrees about the Act
for ascertaining the Bounds of Land the Question was put
whether the act Shall be Amended or stand as it now is. Re-
solved by the Majority of Votes that the Act he amended
Then the Question was put whether there shall be a Stand-
ing Comission of Review for the severall Counties or whether
the Act as it now is shall stand in that respect.
Resolved there be a Standing Comission of review for the
severall Counties
Then the Question was put whether that Como Shall be of
men in the County where the Land lies or be appointed out of
the next Adjacent Coties.
Resolved in the County where the Land lies by the Major-
ity of Votes.
Then the Question was put whether the Governour shall
appoint the Commissioners of Review or whether they shall
be elected by the Inhabitants of the County.
Resolved the Governr appoint them by the Majority of
Esqr Hall from the upper house delivers Mr Speaker a
Bill for the relief of Robt Heigh and Philip Eilbeck, thus
endorst viz.
By the upper House of Assembly May 2nd 1718.
Read in this House & will pass. Sign'd p Order
John Beard Cl: Upp: Ho: