Coll: Mackall from the Comittee of Elections and Privi-
ledges returns the writt of Eleccon for the City of Annapolis
thus endorst viz:
By the Comittee of Elections and Priviledges
May the Ist 1718.
We find the within named John Beale a member returned to
Serve for the City of Annapolis to be duly elected.
Sign'd p Order Vacll Denton Cl: Come.
wch was read in the House.
The Petition of Thomas Plummer was read and referred till
to morrow.
An Engrost Bill for repealing the act to prevent the growth
of Popery was read and Ordered to be thus endorst viz:
May the Ist 1718
Read & assented to by the lower House of Assembly, &
Sign'd p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl lo. Ho.
& sent to the uppr house by Capt Mariartee and Capt Pollard.
They return and say they Delivered it.