it will pass with a Clause to be added Signifying the Same
but if she has not That Time & notice be given her to be heard
in relacon hereto next Sessions.
Sign'd p Order
Jno Beard Cl: Up: ho:
Which was amended accordingly and past with that
Amendmt for engrossing and sent to the Corn6 of Laws to be
Coll: Addison from the upper house delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill reviving an Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this
Province from some Aggrievances &c: thus endorst viz:
By the upper House of Assembly May Ist 1718.
Read in this House and will pass. Signed p order
John Beard Cl: up: ho:
Which was read in this House and thus endorst viz:
Eodem Die read again and past for engrosing &
Sign'd p Order M: Jenifer Cl: lo: ho:
And sent to the Com of Laws to be Engrost.
Esqr Hall from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker Capt
John Hardy's Pet0 thus Endorst viz: