They return & say they delivered it.
The Peticon of John Kirk praying to be reinstated in a
Parcell of Land taken away by a survey between John Steev-
ens and Majr Nico Sewall whereto the sd Kirk was not made
a party was read and referr'd for further Consideracon.
Coll: Tilghman from the upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Bills viz:
Bill to enable Benja Howard to Sell Lands in Ann Arundell
County and for entailing other Lands in Baltemore County
thus endorst viz:
By the uppr house of Assembly May Ist 1718.
Read the first Time in this House & will pass.
Sign'd p Order Jno Beard Cl up. Ho:
Which was read in this house & ordered to be thus endorst
Eodem die read & past for engrossing
Sign'd p Ordr
M: Jenifer Clk. lo: ho:
and sent to the Come of Laws to be engrost
Bill for confirming Eliza Devegh's will thus Endorst, viz:
By the upper house of Assembly Aprill the 30th 1718.
This Bill being read and the Qr being put whether it shall
pass or not. Resolved by the Majority of Votes it pass.
Signed p Order John Beard Cl: up: ho: