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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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230 Assembly Proceedings, April 22-May 10, 1718.

L. H. J.

the Upper and Lower Houses for their approbation thereon

Ist That the Times for Meeting for the Comrs is to be the
Second Day of the Severall County Courts.

p. 41

2dly That the Complainant shall give Notice to the De-
fendt days before he makes his Complaint.
3d That the Comissioners shall Appoint a day for ascer-
taining the bounds &c: at any Time after five Weeks after the
day of Complaint.
4thly That publick proclamacon be made of the day Ap-
pointed on the day of Complaint and that notice be set up at
the publick places in the County.
5th That the Complainant and Defendant may mutually
make Choice of three of the Comissioners to determine the
Bounds then such determinacon to be Conclusive, without any
review. But if they cannot agree upon their Choice then that
the Comrs proceed to Ascertain the bounds and if either party
be Aggrieved he may Appeale to three other persons to be
Chosen out of the remaining Comissioners of the same and
one of the next Adjacent Counties, which three persons shall
be made Choice of in manner following viz: each of the
parties to choose and they two, to Choose the third whose
determinacon shall be finall except in Appeals to England.
Provided allways that one of the Comrs be present that gave
the first Judgment to give his reasons to the Comissioners of
Review for so doing.
6th That more Time be given to Absent persons.
7th That Comrs ascertain the Damages.
8th That the Damages and Costs be upon Execucon to be
awarded by the Comissioners
9th That the Comrs of review Value the Land in Case of
Appeale to England.
10th That provision be made for those who have lost the
Benefit of a review by Absence or Otherwise.
Signed p Order,
Phil: Hammond Clk. of Conferrence

The Consideracon whereof is ref err'd further

p. 42

Mr Bordley from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr Speaker,
a Bill for the relief of Robert High and Phill Eilbeck wch was
read and ordered to be thus endorst viz:

By the lower house of Assembly May the Ist 1718.

Read the first and Second Times by especiall Order and will
pass. Signed p Ordr M: Jenifer Cl: lo: ho:

& Sent to the upper house by Coll: Ward, Capt Baker &
Mr Whittington.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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