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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 227

Bill repealing the Act to prevent the Growth of Popery
Sent to the Upper House by Capt Marriartee Capt Pollard Mr
Alexr Warfield Mr Meekins Mr Taylor & Capt Baker, they
return and say they delivered it.
Ordered the following message Prepared viz:

By the Lower House of Assembly
Aprill the 30th 1718

L. H. J.

May it please yor Honrs
In answer to your Message of yesterday by Coll: Holland
Coll. Ennalls Esq Hall & Col Addison with his Excy's Speech
to the Clergy & their Address to him. We gratefully Acknowl-
edge the Zeal his Excy has always Exprest for the Benefitt
and Advantage of the Church establisht by Law among us
and begg leave to assure his Excy & yor Honrs that whensoever
the Reverend Clergy shall be pleased to lay before us their
representacon for the farther Advancement of that holy reli-
gion We profess We shall proceed to do therein what may be
reasonably expected from true members of that Church, with
a just regard had to the Constitucon of the Country We
Signed p Ordr M: Jenifer Cl lo ho:

Which was Sent to the upper house by Mr Dare Capt ffrisby,
Capt ffendall, Mr Rd Warfield, Capt Dollahide, & Majr Emer-
son. They return & say they delivered it.
The peticon of the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen of the
City of Annapolis was read and referred till to morrow morn-
ing & Ordered the persons concerned appear before this
The writt of Election issued this Sessions to the City of
Annapolis for the electing a member in the stead of Mr Benjn
Tasker who since last Sessions was made Sheriff of that City
was returned to this House whereby it Appears that John
Beale Esqr is Elected for the said City. Whereupon the said
Beale Appears in this House, & Ordered that Mr Hill & Capt
ffrisby go with him to the uppr House to see him Qualifyed by
taking the Severall Oaths &c. They return & say they see him
Then the said Mr Beale Esqr took his Place in the House.
Ordered that Mr Beale be added to the Comittee of Accounts
in the room of Majr John Bradford who is lately gone home

p. 37

Resolved that no peticons be reced into this House after
to morrow.

p. 38

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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