Aprill 29th 1718.
Upon reading the within peticon and the Allegacons of Mr
James Lloyd it is thought fit to be granted and humbly referr
it to the Discrecon of the House for the petr to bring in a Bill
as Pray'd.
Signed p Ordr Phil: Hamond Clk Come
Wch was read and leave given to bring in a Bill as prayed
The Petition of James Philips referr'd to the Comittee of
Aggrievances for their Report was return'd from that Com-
ittee thus endorst viz.
Aprill 29th 1718. Upon reading of the within Petition We
have heard Mr Phillips and do find his request very reasonable
and humbly referr it to the house that Leave may be given to
the said Phillips to bring in a Bill as pray'd for.
Signed p Ordr Phil: Hammond Clk. Com:
Which was read and leave given to bring in a Bill
Bill repealing An Act to prevent the Growth of Popery was
read & Ordered to be thus endorst viz.
By the lower House of Assembly Aprill the 30th 1718
Read the Second Time and will pass.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Clk.lo. ho.
The house adjourns till one of the Clock in the afternoon.
Post Meridiem. The house meets According to Adjourn-