The Pet0 of Mr Thomas Reynolds is further referred till
ffriday next and resolved it shall then be Determined.
Mr Richard Warfield is added to the Com6 of Elections and
Coll: Holland Coll: Young and Esqr Lloyd deliver Mr
Speaker the Bill for repealing the Act to prevent the growth of
Popery thus endorst viz:
By the upper House of Assembly Ap' the 30th 1718.
Read the first and Second times and will pass with this
Amendment made vizt (Chap: the fourth) after menconing
the Statute
Signd p Order Jno Beard Cl up ho:
Which was read in this house wth the amendmt proposd &
past for engrosing wch was so endorst & sent to the Come
of Laws to be engrost.
Brought down from the Comittee of Laws by Coll: Mackall
a Bill reviving an Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this
Province from some Aggrievances &c, which was read and
ordered to be thus endorst viz:
By the lower House of Assembly Aprill the 30th 1718.
Read the first and Second Times by especial Order and
will pass
Signed p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl Low House.
& sent to the upper House by Capt ffendall & Capt Baker,
they return & say they delivered it.
Esqr Brooke & Esqr Hall from the upper house deliver Mr
Speaker the followipg Message viz:
By the uppr House of Assembly
Aprill 30th 1718.