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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 225

tative for the said City, and for that a Supplementary Act to
the Act directing the manner of electing: & Sumoning Dele-
gates &c has past both Houses this Sessions which his Excy
has assented to, to regulate the manner of Elections,
Ordered that the Sherr. of the City of Annapolis publish
the same Act in Order that the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen
of the said City Conform themselves thereto.
And Ordered that the following message be prepar'd viz.

By the lowr House of Assembly
Aprill the 30th 1718.

May it please your Excy and Honours
It is represented to this House that there is to be an Election
this day made in the City of Annapolis for the electing a
Representative to serve in the lower House of Assembly, But
for that a Supplementary Bill to the Act directing the manner
of Electing and sumoning Delegates &c has past into a Law
this Sessions to regulate the manner of Eleccon We have made
a Resolve of this House to have the same published by the
sherr. of that City imediately for the Govermnt of the Mayr
Recorder & Aldermen of the City in that Election and there-
fore desire your Excy & Honours Concurrence with us in our

L. H. J.

Order for the publicacon thereof
Sign'd p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl. lo: Ho:

which was sent to the upper House by Esqr Rousby & Mr
Young. They return & say they delivered it
Ordered that Capt Frisby and Mr Edward Wright return
the thanks of the House to the revd Mr Skippon for his Ser-
mons this Sessions and to The Reverend Mr Nicholls for his

Sermon on the meeting of the Convocation.

The following Message being prepar'd was sent to the upper
house by Capt Mariarte Mr Dare Mr Vanderheyden Col Herr-
man Mr Waughop & Major Emerson viz.

By the lower House of Assembly
Aprill the 30th 1718

May it please yor Honours
It is with great Satisfaccon to this House By perusing their
Lpps Letter to your Honrs thl We find their Lpps so firmly
resolved to maintain the Authority of their Government here
agt the many bold and Insolent Attempts of Mr Macnemara to
the discouragement of such as for the future shall fly in the
face of Government.

P. 35

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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