And that after that his Excy was pleased to enact the Sup-
plementary Bill to the Act directing the manner of electing
and Summoning Delegates into a Law by sealing it with the
greater Scale of the right Honble the Lord Propry of this Prov-
ince and by Endorsing it in the manner following, viz:
Aprill the 29th 1718.
On the behalf of the right Honble the Lord Propry of this
Province, I will this be a Law.
Jo: Hart
The House Adjourns till to morrow morning Eight of the
Wednesday Aprill 30th 1718
The house meet according to Adjt
Yesterdays Proceedings are read.
Forasmuch as tis represented that there is to be an Election
in the City of Annapolis this day for the electing a Represen-