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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 223

Mr Bordley from the Comittee of Laws Delivers Mr Speaker
a Bill to repeale the act to prevent the Growth of popery within
this Province which was read and ordered a Second reading
to morrow morning & was so endorst.
Colo Holland and three others from the upper House deliver
Speaker a Copy of his Excy's Speech to the reverend Clergy
and their Address to his Excy with the following Message viz:

By his Excy the Governour
Apll 29th 1718.

Gentl of the Uppr & Lower Houses of Assy

L. H. J.

Finding an absolute Necessity for the good Goverment of
the Church in this Province in order to the promoting and
propagating of true religion and Vertue, I have convened the
venerable Body of the Clergy who are at this Time met to-
gether for that End.

But as this my Intention will be set in a clearer View by the
Speech I made to the reverend Clergy and their Address to me
upon it I now Comunicate both to this Generall Assembly and
do not doubt but your Zeal for religion will excite you to do
what is proper for you in your Stations, for the Advancemt of
the Aforementioned Intention of the meeting of the Rever-
end Clergy at this Season.

Some of the reverend Clergy have Informed that they are
preparing a Representacon to be laid before both Houses
which will be Soon offered to your Consideracon.

At the foot whereof was the following Message from the
upper House viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
Apr ill the 29th 1718
His Excy having been pleased to lay before us the fore-
going with a Copy of his Speech to the Reverend Clergy and
their Address to him, We think ourSelves obliged by our
duty to God most heartily [to thank] his Excy for his great
and pious Care of our religion & at the same time to assure
you how readily We shall join with you (on Sight of Such
representacon) to do what may be judged necessary and
contributing to so good a Work.
Signed p Order
Jno Beard Cl. up Ho.

P. 32

Proposed by a Member of this House that forasmuch as
there are Severall Elections now to be made the manner
whereof is Somewhat altered by the Supplement to the act

p. 33

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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