himself into their Lordships' Good Graces which we are well
assured he never could have done if their Lordships had been
as well Acquainted with his Conversation and Character, as
we are, of which when their Lpps shall be truly informed,
we doubt but he may have less Cause to boast of their Repeated
Wee have Considered what your Excy has been pleased to
lay before us as the Causes of your Suspending him from
practiceing in the Chancery Court, and are of opinion that the
act of Assembly of this Province has Invested a Suff' Author-
ity in all the Courts of it not only to Admit but also to Suspend
Attorneys, or others Practitioners of the Law from practice-
ing in them upon their Misbehaviour which the Sevt Courts
are the proper Judges of without the Imputation of being
both Judge & party. But if the Authority of any of his Lord-
ships Courts Should be abridged in this Part, it would be
Impossible for them to preserve Such Decorum as is Abso-
lutely necessary in Judicial Proceedings but render his Ldps
Authority in the persons of his ludges Lyable to the reproach
of Every Mercenary tongue, And as we take it Mr Macnemara
L. H. J.
by his so much insisting upon haveing the Rt Honble the Lord
Guilfords Letter to him Entered in the Proceedings of the
Chancery Court seem'd to have some hopes he might be Sup-
ported in his practice in that Court wthout being obliged to
shew it due respect ; an use that we dare say his Lordship never
designed should be made of it.
Thus wee have faithfully and Impartially Considered what
your Excy has been pleased to lay before us and think our-
selves obliged to return our humble thanks for the Assure-
ance you give us of your Steady resolution to Support the
Magistrates in the Discharge of the trust reposed in them,
as much as in you lies, and that you will not Slacken your
Endeavours to Establish the Protestant Interest in Maryland,
the Consequences whereof cannot redound to your Prejudice.
And since we are fully Satis fyed the Complaints that have
been made agt your Excy and the uneasiness, that have been
Given you, have been founded merely on your Excy's En-
deavours for the Comon Good of all his Majtys good Subjects
here, Wee begg leave on this Occasion to declare ourSelves
bound in Justice duty and Gratitude to do what in us Lies to
Support your Excys Character and Interest agt the Attempts
of all the disaffected whose restless & Ambitious Spirits will
not let them see when they are happy. And we further De-
clare to the End that it may be known to all the world and
recorded on our Journalls to the Honour of his Ldps Govern-
ment and of your Excy's Memory to posterity, That through
P. 24