216 Assembly Proceedings, April 22-May 10, 1718.
L. H. J.
less as the former without good proof, It being as unlikely to
find Papists under a Protestant Govermt without Complaints
in Case they are listned to as to find fire without Warmth
or Water wthout Moisture. Wee are somewhat Surprized
to find the Roman Catholicks so Active in procuring Opin-
ions from Lawyers in England in Relation to our Laws
Since the Severest of them are more Indulgent to them than
the Statute made in the IIth & 12th years of his late Majesty
King Wm the third Chapf 4th which expressly extends to his
Majesty's Realms and the Domns thereto belonging and which
we presume neither they nor the Learned Lawyers whose
opinions they have taken will disallow the force of here ; from
whence wee begg Leave to Observe that if the Act of As-
sembly agt the Growth of Popery here were not only Sus-
pended as they would have it, but Actually repealed Their
Ends would be but poorly Answered.
But Since by these measures those Gent have plainly demon-
strated that they Insist upon their Indulgencies as matters
not of favour but of right, we think ourselves oblig'd to declare
our Opinions that they [have] not any right to further In-
dulgencies than that Statute gives them, And acknowledge
your Excy's Goodness in so Stateing their Case to their
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Lordps as to Give their Lpps. an occasion to declare themselves
So much to our Satisfaction.
Wee are well assured the Romanists and their Adherents
did not designe your Excy Either Honour or Profit in makeing
you the only Marke of their Revenge, for Supporting the
Protestant Interest But we must with all gratitude Acknowl-
edge your Excy's Generosity and Goodness in defending at the
Hazard of your Interest so far as the Influence of theirs could
reach which were it Such that thereby they could accomplish
their Ends in your Removall and obtain a Successor more
Pliable to their Intreagues, (which we Pray God prevent)
would at last faile them for we who have so Long Injoy'd the
happy Influence of a Church of England Governmt cannot
easily give it up to papists while we are blest with a Protestant
King on the throne of Great Brittain and a Protestant Pro-
prietor under him to Govern us, whose Justice and Goodness
we have amply Experienced in Rejecting their Complaints by
Continueing us under the Immediate administration of your
Excy, so hearty an Espouser of the Psent Establishmt both
in Church & State.
Wee are not Ignorant of the Plotting uneasy and revengfull
temper as well as Proud and Turbulent Behavr Of Mr Macne-
mara ever since his first Coming into this Province but more
Especially Since he has had the Oppertunity to Insinuate