Resolved that Phil Lloyd Esqr & Col Richd Tilghman be
Joyned And that the following Message be Prepared in An-
swer thereto
By the Upper House of Assembly
May the 8th 1718
Gent. We have Appointed Phil: Lloyd Esqr & Col Richd
Tilghman to Joyn the members of Your House on the Con-
ference by Your Message by Capt Marriartee & three others
who are now ready to Joyn them at the house of Mrs Dodd
Signed p Order
John Beard Cl Upper House
Sent p the Gent Appointed.
Proposed that His Excellency be Allowed Six Hundred
pounds of Tobo for Copy of the Laws made this Sessions for
the sevll Countys and for One to the Provll Court
Thereupon the following Message is Prepared Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
May the 8th 1718
We having Taken into Consideration the Allowance to be
made his Excy by the sevll Counties of this Province for a
Copy of the Laws made this Sessions,
Proposed Six Hundred pounds of Tobo is a suitable rec-
ompence to be made His Excy for Each Body to the Countys