Lib. No. 86
contained according to the Tenor true Intent and Meaning
thereof, then the above Obligation to be void, otherwise to
be and remain in full Force and Virtue.
Instructions to be observed and pursued by the Judges of
His Lordship's Land Office
Ist You shall not permit any Warrant to issue or other
Act or Thing to be done in your Office which may entitle any
Person to Land within this Province until the Agent and
Receiver General shall have certified the caution Money to
have been paid.
2d You shall not suffer any Patents to issue upon any
Certificate founded either upon Warrants of Resurvey, Es-
cheat Warrants, or Warrants under the Proclamation or any
Special Warrant until the Agent has given a proper Receipt
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for the Caution Money as well as for the Value of the Im-
provements and arrearages of Rent, and His Excellency the
Governor and Chancellor has signified his approbation, nor
are you to suffer Patents to issue upon Certificates returned by
virtue of common or Special Warrants if there is more Land
included in the Survey than the Party had Warrant for until
the Excess is paid for.
3d You are to keep a File in your Office for the Titlings
given by the Agent impowering you to issue either common
or Special Warrants. You are also to keep a Book for the
Purpose of recording all these Titlings with the name of the
Person to whom the Warrant is Granted and for what num-
ber of Acres. You are also to have Columns in the same
Book to distinguish the Money paid upon Certificates of all
Sorts and return the said File and Book every year into the
Revenue Office for Examination
4th When a Warrant for a determinate number of acres is
obtained, as more than is expressed is sometime Surveyed,
so is a lesser number of Acres, and the Party after applying
part of His Warrant to one Survey is at liberty afterwards
to apply the Residue 'til the whole Warrant is exhausted in
other Surveys, and it not unfrequently happens, that War-
rants for a determinate number of Acres are applied to make
good the Consideration becoming due on Certificates of Sur-
veys made in pursuance of Warrants for an indeterminate
number of Acres, in consequence of this Connexion between
the Agent and Land Office, the required check may be easily
5th You shall not pass any Lands hereafter to be granted
unto our Secretary, Agent, Commissary General, Judge of
the Land Office or Attorney General, or their Wives and