Children, until special leave shall be had and obtained from
His Lordship or the Lieutenant Governor for the time being,
but that any of the said Officers may by Warrant and Loca-
tion have a Survey made to intitle themselves to the preference
of Land liable to be Granted.
6th You shall not issue any Warrants to yourself or Family
unless the same is Signed by the Lieutenant Governor and
7th You shall keep Authentick Records of your Proceed-
8th You are to return yearly to the Keeper or Keepers of
the Rent Roll for the time being by the Ist of February an
exact List of all the Patents made out by you the preceding
9th There shall be in all Warrants a Clause inserted by way
of Proviso, that the Grant shall be taken out within the space
of Two years from the Date of the Warrant, which said
Clause you are hereby enjoined so strictly to observe as not to
suffer any renewal of the said Warrants after such time or
any Grant to issue contrary to the true intent and meaning
10th And to encourage the Discovery of Escheat Lands
or Houses one third part of the value or worth which shall
be set on such Lands or Houses shall be allowed to any
Person who shall first discover the same, in the Composition
or purchase Money which He ought to pay for the same, and
that such Discoverer shall have the Preference or Preemption
without Exception.
11th That no Caveat be permitted to continue longer than
Six Months nor be renewed after that time, unless upon very
special Circumstances.
Lib. No. 86
p. 56
12th You shall not suffer a Patent to issue upon any Certifi-
cate that has not been returned Three months into your Office.
13th In case of Warrants of Resurvey hereafter to be issued
notwithstanding the general Power therein to add all or any
contiguous Vacancy, yet, unless the Party who shall obtain
the same do make a particular Location thereof on the Land
and number of Acres he shall intend to Secure, within Eight
Months after the Date of such Warrants, such Person shall
not have any preference before any Person interested in any
other Warrant, on which a prior Survey shall be made.
14th No Warrant under the Proclamation to be granted to
any Person or Persons, who shall not first make Oath, That
He doth not apply for such Warrant for, or on the behalf
of, or in Trust for, or upon any Agreement with any Person or
p. 57