Instructions to be observed by His Lordship's
Receiver in County.
Given under my Hand & Seal this day of
in the year &ca
N B. There are Duplicates of the Commission and Instruc-
tions the one to be in the possession of the Receiver, the other
to be lodged in the Revenue Office with the Receipt of the
Receiver Indorsed thereon and the Receipt Witnessed by the
Clerk of the Office. The Receipt is to the following Effect.
I, A. B. Receiver of county do hereby acknowledge
to have rec'd from His Excellency Horo Sharpe Esqr on this
day of in the year &ca a Commission to be Re-
ceiver of County of which the within is an exact
Copy, and that I have undertaken faithfully to perform and
execute the Duties of the said Office of Receiver according
to the Tenor of the said Commission and the Instructions
therewith delivered, an exact Copy of which Instructions is
also Sign'd by me.
Condition of the Bond.
Whereas His Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Esqr by Com-
mission bearing Date on this day of in the
year &c. and directed to the above bounden hath
constituted, appointed and commissionated Him the said
to collect and receive certain Quit Rents due, and
which shall be due in county to the Right Honourable
Frederick Lord Baltimore and whereas certain Written In-
structions bearing even Date with the said Commission, have
been with the said Commission delivered to the said
the said Instructions being relative to the Duty of the said
in his said Office of Receiver of the said Quit Rents,