p. 30
p. M. The Board met according to adjournment. Present.
His Excellency Horo Sharpe, Esqr
The Honble Daniel Dulany, Esqr
The Honble Walter Dulany Esqr
and George Steuart, Esqr
The Board proceed to take into Consideration the several
Papers laid before them by the Governor the 26th Ulto
The Extract of a Letter from John Morton Jordan Esqr to
the Govr and the notification, under His Lordship's Hand and
Seal, of his being appointed Supervisor of Accounts, Lands
and Revenues in and from this Province were read, Copies
of which are as follows :
Extract from John Morton Jordan's Letter dated at London
16th Aug. 1768
His Lordship has ordered me to send you his Instructions
relating to Connocochegue Manor and the Reserve round the
said Manor also my appointment of Supervisor of His Lord-
ship's Accounts, Lands and Revenues in and from the Prov-
ince of Maryland, which you'll be pleased to communicate to
the Board of Officers for His Lordship's Revenue. My Com-
mission at present not being drawn compleat have it not in my
Power to send it as full as His Lordship hereafter intends it,
therefore shall not add more.
F Baltimore John Morton Jordan, Esquire, Supervisor
of Accounts Lands and Revenues in and from
the Province of Maryland.
I do hereby appoint and direct the said John Morton Jordan
to open a Correspondence with such Persons as he may think
properly qualified to give either Information or Assistance
towards the Improvement or collection of my Revenues, or
better Regulation of my Manors in the Province of Maryland.
A Double set of Accounts to be yearly sent to England from