October 26th 1768.
At a Meeting of the Board of Revenue. Present.
His Excellency Horo Sharpe, Esqr
The Honble Daniel Dulany, Esqr
& George Steuart, Esqr
His Excellency produces at the Board, sundry [papers]
transmitted from London Viz.
An Extract of a Letter from Mr Jordan and a notification,
dated London the 16th of August 1768, under His Lordship's
hand and Seal that he has been pleased to nominate and ap-
point John Morton Jordan, Esqr Supervisor of Accounts,
Lands & Revenues in and from the Province of Maryland.
An Instruction bearing date the 15th July 1768, for Patent
to issue in the name of John Morton Jordan Esqr or to any
one applying in his name, or on his behalf for all the unsold
part of Conocochegue Manor agreeable to a Survey made
thereof by James Calder, as likewise an other Instruction
bearing equal date, for a Patent, or as many Patents to issue
as may be necessary to describe or ascertain the Bounds of
Seven Thousand Seven hundred and fifty three Acres of
Land lying and being within the Reserve round Conochegue
Manor to the aforesaid John Morton Jordan, Esqr or any one
applying for the same in his name or on his behalf.
Lib. No. 86
An appointment under His Lordship's Hand & Seal for
Reuben Merewether, Esqr to be Rent Roll Keeper of the
Western Shore of this Province.
The Board agree to refer the Consideration of the above-
mentioned Papers until their next meeting of which the Clerk
to give the Absent Members notice.
The Board unanimously appoint George Scott of Prince
Georges County, Gent: to be Farmer of His Lordship's Quit
Rents in Frederick County for five years to commence from
the 29th of September last; as also William Turner Wootton of
Prince Georges County Genl to be Farmer of the Quit Rents
for said County, they giving Bond with sufficient Sureties for
the faithful discharge of their Trust-
George Scott, to be allowed a Commission of 15 p Cent and
William Turner Wootton a Commission of 10 p Cent. The
Board adjourns to Wednesday the 16th of November next.
November 16th 1768
At a meeting of the Board of Revenue. Present
The Honble Daniel Dulany, Esqr
The Honble Walter Dulany, Esqr
and George Steuart, Esqr
p. 29