the said John Morton Jordan may from Time to Time com-
municate thereon.
[Seal] FB
Baltimore House 16th August 1768
witness'd by
Thomas B rough ton
Jonathan Potter
The Instructions to His Excellency to give his Orders to
the Judges of the Land Office to let Patents issue to John
Morton Jordan Esqr for Connocochegue Manor & Reserve;
The Board are of opinion, does not properly come under their
Consideration as the Contents do not relate to any Business
under their Inspection.
The Board determine that Reuben Meriwether, Esqr is
Commissioned, by His Lordship, to be Keeper of the Rent Roll
for the Western Shore, & that the Preamble in said Commis-
sion is only to signify His Lordship's Pleasure to His Excel-
lency the Governor. Ordered, That the Instruction relative to
the Warrant of Anne Arundel manor to the Purchasers
thereof, be entered on Record in the Land Office.
The Board adjourns 'til Monday the 2 Ist Instant.
November 21st 1768.
The Board met according to adjournment. Present
His Excellency Horo Sharpe, Esqr
The Honble Daniel Dulany Esqr
The Honble Walter Dulany Esqr
and George Steuart, Esqr