The Board proceed to read over and Consider the several
Instructions to be delivered to the Officers concern'd in the
Management & Receipt of His Lordship's Revenue.
September 1st 1768.
At a Meeting of the Board of Revenue, Present
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr
The Honourable Walter Dulany Esqr
George Steuart, Esqr
His Excellency is pleased to lay before the Board an Ac-
count from the Surveyor employed in laying off a Manor for
His Lordship's use, to the Westward of Fort Cumberland,
desiring their Advice in regard to the sum to be allowed him
(exclusive of other necessary Charges) during his being
employed on that Service. The Board are unanimously of
opinion that 157 Curt Money p diem be paid him as a Com-
pensation for the same.
The Instructions to the several Officers concerned in the
management & Receipt of His Lordship's Revenue were again
read, It is the opinion of the Board & therefore ordered
That the Rent Roll Keepers do give Bond for the faithful
discharge of their Duty agreeable to Instructions to be to
them delivered and that an additional Clause be added to the
said Instructions, requiring a due return of all Books and