Minutes of the Board of Revenue, 1768-1775. 403
and in like manner as before directed, certifying on the back
of each Certificate the Sterling Sum by you received.
Lib. No. 86
9th And for as much as His Lordship hath a Right to a
Composition for all Improvements that shall be discovered on
the Lands thus taken up, and which cannot be affected by a
Common Warrant, you are carefully to examine all Certifi-
cates brought to you whether by Virtue of Special Warrants,
Warrants of Resurvey or Proclamation, and set a reasonable
Value on all such Improvements as shall be mentioned in the
Certificates, and you are to certify the Sum so rec'd on the
back of such Certificates; You are also in Cases where one
or more year's Rent shall appear due for the Land described
in the Certificates, to make the Party applying pay up such
Back Rents, and you are to certify the same on the back of the
Certificates as aforesaid.
10th As the discoverers of Escheat Land are to have one third
part of the Land or its Value for their Encouragement and
are also to have Pre-emption of the remaining two thirds you
are on return of such Certificate of Survey to set a reasonable
Value on the whole Tract, and if the Party will not take the
Pre-emption of Purchasing the whole for two thirds of its
Value, a Reserve is to be laid thereon, and you are to set the
whole up to Sale, as soon as conveniently may be, to the highest
Bidder and Account with, and pay to the Discoverer one third
part of the Purchase Money.
11th You are to make Entry of all Titleings by you given,
as well as of all Certificates to you brought, in order to be com-
pounded on; A List and Account thereof you are to produce
with your annual Account to this Board, to shew, distinctly,
what particular Sums have been paid by Persons obtaining
each Titleing, or for Surplus Land return'd in all Certificates
p. 19
of Resurvey, or by virtue of special Warrants, or for Back
Rents received.
12th You are to impower the Sheriffs, or others, to take up
all Waifs, Deodands &c and allow them good Commission, for
their Encouragement, that His Lordship's Interest may be
advanced thereby.
13th The General Rent Roll Keepers are two, One for the
Western the other for the Eastern Shore, they have the keep-
ing of the Rent Rolls and are to make out sign and deliver on
or before the third Tuesday in March every year the neces-
sary Debt Books to the Farmers, or Receivers, on their respec-
tive Shores, and Additional Debt Books from time to time, as
there may be occasion. They are to call upon the several
Farmers, on or before the first day of February in every year,
to produce to them their several and respective Debt Books
p. 20