402 Minutes of the Board of Revenue, 1768-1775.
Lib. No. 86
well as up the several Rivers within the Province; you are
hereby Authorised to give a Branch to any Pilot, who shall
apply to you for the same, taking from each the value of
Twenty Shillings Sterling p Annum to His Lordship's use,
and a Fee of Twenty Shillings Currency to yourself, for
making out every such Branch.
6th Though His Lordship's Quit Rents, and Alienation
Fines, are payable in Sterling, yet, as it may not always be in
the Tenant's power to pay Sterling Cash, and as foreign Coin
is more Current in the Province, with which they can satisfy
His Lordship's demand, for the Ease therefore of the Tenant,
and to prevent all unwarrantable Advantage being taken by
the Farmers and Receivers, in the Exchange, you are to take
foreign whole Gold at Three Pounds Seventeen shillings and
Six pence Sterling p Ounce, and mill'd Spanish Dollars, when
tendered, at Four shillings and Six Pence Sterling a piece, but
you are not to take cut Gold or Silver in any Payment what-
p. 18
7th Every Person desirous of taking up Land within this
Province is to pay to you, for His Lordship's use, the Sum of
Five Pounds Sterling Caution for every hundred Acres, and
in like proportion for a greater, or lesser, quantity; and
whereas the Judges of the Land Office are not impowered to
grant either Special or Common Warrant until the Party so
applying shall produce to them a Titleing for the same from
under the Agents' Hands, you are therefore on being paid the
above Caution in Sterling Cash, good Bills of Exchange or
foreign Gold and Silver, as mentioned in the sixth Article of
these Instructions, to Grant to the Party wanting to take up
Land either by Common, or Special, Warrant, the following
Titleing, Viz.
Let of County have a Warrant for
acres of Land, he having paid the usual Caution for the same
this Day of 1768
8th But as a greater quantity of Land may be included in the
Certificates of Survey return'd, than expressed in the War-
rants whether Special, or Common, and the Caution Money
for such Surplusage will be still due, and as when Certificates
are return'd by virtue of Warrants of Resurvey and under the
Proclamation (which are granted by the Judges of the Land
Office) without any Titleing from you, the whole Caution
Money will be due thereon, and in these Cases no Patent can
issue until the Caution due thereon shall be satisfied and paid,
you are therefore when Certificates, thus circumstanced, are
brought to you to receive the Caution that may be due thereon
at the rate of Five Pounds Sterling for every hundred Acres,