that was either of us to Die, a great deal of trouble and con-
fusion would ensue by reason of Accounts between us, and
between my several Officers and you, being left open more
than one year; in order therefore to prevent such Incon-
veniences as far as possible, which I doubt not but you are
equally solicitous to prevent, I have thought fit to approve of
and do hereby order that the method, or Plan, contained in the
following Instructions be by you hereafter pursued, and as it
will be necessary that my Lieutenant General, the Commis-
sary General, Deputy Secretary, Judges of my Land Office,
and my Attorney General, meet together with you on certain
Days in order to carry the said Plan effectually into Execution,
I have transmitted to my said Lieutenant General a Copy of
these Instructions, desiring him to communicate my Intention
to the other Gentlemen above mentioned, and to desire them
to meet occasionally with you and him for the purpose here-
after mentioned.
You are as soon as possible after the 29th of September
in every year to compel the several Naval Officers, Farmers of
my Quit Rents, Sheriffs, Stewards of my Manors and Re-
served Lands, Receivers of my Alienation Fines, and all other
Branches of my Revenue, to settle with you, to pay the Bal-
lances from them respectively due, and to close their annual
Accounts; and as soon as possible after they have so done, You
are to State and Close your Account with me for the year for
which you have settled with them respectively, in such Account
giving me Credit for the several Sums received by you as
Agent for Land warrants sold from the Farmers on Account
of my Quit Rents, from the Receivers of my Alienation Fines,
from the Sheriffs for Fines and Forfeitures, from the Stew-
ards of my Manors and Reserv'd Lands, and from the Re-
ceivers of any other Branches of my Revenue, particularizing
the Sum receiv'd from each Person; and in your said Account
p. 4
debiting me with your own Salary as well as with the Salaries
of my Rent Roll Keepers, and any other of my Officers to
whom Salaries are payable, also with such other Sums of
Money as you may disburse in consequence of Instructions
sent by me to my Lieutenant Governor or yourself, with such
Sums as you shall before the Closing of such Account have
remitted to me in Bills of Exchange, or Cash, on Account of
that year's Revenue.
p. 5