Lib. No. 86
When you have Closed such your Annual Account you will
intimate the same to my Lieutenant Governor, that He to-
gether with the Commissary General, the Deputy Secretary,
the Judges of our Land Office, and our Attorney General, or
some three, or more, of them, may meet you at your Office in
order to examine and certify such Account, which measure, I
conceive, will give you much Satisfaction, and save me a great
deal of Trouble, since if any Errors should be by them dis-
covered, they may be, by you, immediately rectified, and in
order that they may examine the same, you are to lay before
them, together with your own general Account, your Account
of Money received for Land Warrants, the several Naval
Officers' Accts the several Debt Books return'd by the Farmers
of Quit Rents, with their Accounts stated and allowed by the
Rent Roll Keepers, the Lists return'd by the Clerks of the
Counties, and Accounts returned by the Sheriffs of Fines and
Forfeitures by them respectively received, the Rent Rolls, and
Accounts return'd to you by the Stewards of my Manors and
Reserved Lands, Lists of Devises and Alienations, and the
Accounts returned by the Receivers of our Alienation Fines,
and all other Accounts which might serve to give them full
Information; and when they shall have compared and exam-
ined such several Papers and Accounts, it is my desire that
they certify the same at the Foot of your general Account, and
a Duplicate thereof and Sign such Certificate, which you are
to transmit to me by the first Opportunity that may after-
wards present itself.
p. 6
It is moreover my Pleasure, that you enter every year in a
Book (to be constantly kept in the above mentd Office) such
your general Account with such Certificate as is above de-
scribed, and that you likewise lodge in the said Office all such
Accounts and Papers (or Copies thereof) as may be laid be-
fore my Lieutenant Governor and other Officers as is above
With respect to such Bills of Exchange taken by you on
my Account as may be protested, you are to keep a separate
and distinct Account thereof; nevertheless, you are to lay the
same before my Officers above mentioned, when they meet & I
expect that you will have your Accounts lor the preceding
Year, ending the 29th of September, ready for their Review
on the 25th of March at farthest in every year.
I desire and direct you on my Account, to pay to Governor
Sharpe his Draft for Two Hundred Pounds, for the use of the
Revd Mr Thomas Bacon, value Received. Lastly you are to
follow all former Instructions, so far as they are not Repug-
nant to these