392 Minutes of the Board of Revenue, 1768-1775.
Lib. No. 86
You are likewise to lodge in the said Office all Bonds which
have been by you taken, or which you may hereafter take,
from any of our Officers, for the faithful Discharge of their
respective Offices, and also the Counterparts of the Articles of
Agreement which have been entered into, or may be hereafter
entered into, by the Farmers or Receivers of our Quit Rents.
You are likewise to lodge in the said Office, Plans or Drafts
of our several Manors (to be bound up in one Book) and also
a Rent Roll for each Manor, and for our Reserved Lands, in
which Rent Rolls are to be specified the names of the Stew-
ards who have the management or Superintendency of them
respectively, the names of the several Tenants, the Quantity
of Land held or occupied by each of them, and the Annual
Rent payable for each Tract or Tenement, the Term of each
Lease and time when granted, and you are also to lodge in the
said Office the Rent Rolls and Accounts which the several
Stewards shall annually return or deliver to you, at the time
they account with you for the Rents of the several Tenements.
p. 3
And whereas, I am satisfied that it wou'd be for your Ease
and my advantage, if the Stewards were required to make
up and return their annual Accounts regularly, on some par-
ticular day, to be fixed on, It is my Will that you insist upon
their doing so, allowing them a reasonable time to collect the
Rents due from the Tenants, and to make up their respective
Accounts, and in case any of the present Stewards shall, after
they are acquainted with this our Requisition, neglect or delay
to comply therewith, It is my Desire, that such Stewards be
susperseded, and other more punctual men be appointed in
their stead.
For the better Guidance and Direction of the said Stewards,
you are to give them such Instructions in Writing as you may
judge necessary (to be approved of by our Lieutenant Gov-
ernor) and to take Bond from them with good Security, con-
ditioned for the faithful Discharge of their office, and punc-
tual payment of such Rents as they shall respectively receive
from our Tenants, which said Instructions you are to enter in
a Book to be kept in the Receiver General's Office, & when you
and our Lieutenant Governor have appointed particular Days
for signing Leases you are to insist upon the Stewards pre-
senting them on those Days to be sign'd.
You are to cause notice to be given in each County, by Ad-
vertisements, of the Conditions upon which our Manor or
Reserved Lands in such County are granted, and what Fees
are to be paid by Tenants for Surveying &ca so that they
may not be liable to be imposed on by the Stewards, or deterred