20 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1761-1769.
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Queries relating to His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations
in America.
1st What is the Situation of the Province under your Gov-
ernment, the Nature of the Country Soil and Climate ? What
are the Principal Rivers and Harbours? the Latitudes and
Longitudes of the most considerable Places in it, Have those
Latitudes and Longitudes been settled by good Observations,
or only by common Computations and from whence are the
Longitudes computed ?
2d What are the Boundaries, Have those Boundaries been
settled and ascertained and by what Authority? If any Ports
thereof are disputed by whom ? When did the dispute arise
and what Stops have been taken, or in your Opinion ought to
be taken to fix the true Boundary Lines ?
3d What is the present State of the Trade of the Province
the Number of Shipping belonging thereto, their Tonnage and
the Number of Seafaring men with respective Increase or
Diminution within ten years last past, and to what Causes is
that Increase or Diminution to be ascribed ?
4th Are any Trades, Works or Manufactures set up or
about to be set up in the Province under your Government
which are or may prove hurtfull to Great Britain? If there
are any such how may they be suppressed, divided or re-
strained ?
5th What Quantity and Sorts of British Manufactures do
the Inhabitants annually take from hence ?
p. 317
6th What Trade has the Province under our Government
with any Foreign Plantations or any part of Europe, besides
Great Britain? How is that Trade carried on, and what
Commodities are sent to or received from such Foreign Coun-
tries or Plantations ?
7th What Methods are there used to prevent illegal Trade
and are the same effectual, if not what Method may be proper
in your Opinion to be taken for Obtaining so desirable an
8th What is the natural Produce of the Country Staple
Commodities and Manufactures, What Value thereof in Ster-
ling Money may you Annually export, and to what places?
What Regulations have been at any time made for preventing
Frauds and abuses in the Exportation of the produce or
Manufacture of the Province, and at what time did those
Regulations take place ?
9th What Mines are there, Have those Mines been opened &
worked and what may be the reputed Produce ?
10th What is the Number of Inhabitants Whites and