11th Are the Inhabitants increased or decreased within the
last ten years; how much and for what Reasons ?
12th What is the Number of the Militia under what Author-
ity & Regulation is it established; what is the Expence of it &
how is that Expence defrayed ?
13th What Forts and places of Defence are there within
your Government in in what Condition, and what Garrisons
are kept therein; What is the annual Expence of maintaining
each Fort, and out of what Fund is it paid ?
14th What is the Number of Indians Inhabiting those parts
of America lying within or bordering upon your Province,
What Contracts or Treaty of Peace and Friendship have been
made with them and are now in force ? What Trade is carried
on with them and under what Regulations, and how have those
Regulations been established ?
15th What is the Strength of your Neighbouring Europeans
French or Spaniards and what effect have those Settlements
upon His Majesty's Colonies and more particularly upon that
under your Government ?
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
16th What is the Revenue arising within your Government ;
when was it established and by what Laws or other Authority?
To what service is it appropriated. How applyed and disposed
of, and in what manner are the Accounts Audited and passed ?
17th What are the Establishments Civil and Military within
your Government, By what Authority do the Several Officers
hold their places, What are the Names of the Present Officers,
when were they appointed and what is the reputed annual
Value of those Officers; What Salaries and Fees have they,
by what Authority are their Salaries and Fees paid and under
what Regulations ?
18th What is the Constitution of the Government in Gen-
eral, & particularly what Courts are there established, for the
due Administration of Justice; when were those Courts estab-
lished, and under what Authority; What are their Rules of
Proceeding, and how are the Judges and other subordinate
Officers appointed ?
Answers to the Queries that were sent by the Right Hon-
ourable the Lords of Trade and Plantations to the Lieutenant
Governor of Maryland.
Ist Maryland is situated on both sides of Chesapeak Bay be-
tween the Province of Pennsylvania and Dominion of Vir-
ginia, that Part of it that lies to the Eastward of the Bay is a
fiat level Country, the Western Part is more hilly, and about
One hundred Miles inland from the Bay grows pretty Moun-
tainous, the whole Country is well watered, the Soil varies as
p. 318