of Words be used as follows (Vizt) our gracious Queen Char-
lotte, Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales
and all the Royal Family, and for the better Notice hereof in
our said Province it is our further Will and Pleasure that you
cause the same to be forthwith published in the several Parish
Churches and other Places of divine Worship within our said
Province, and that you take Care that due Obedience be paid
thereto accordingly.
Ordered that the following Proclamation be made out for
altering the Form of Prayer for the Royal Family pursuant to
the foregoing Instruction of his Majesty
By his Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Lieut. Governor
and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of Mary-
Whereas I have received an Instruction from his most
sacred Majesty dated the twenty ninth Day of September last
signifying it to be his Royal Pleasure that in the Morning and
Evening Prayers in the Litany and in all other Parts of the
Public Service as well in the occasional Offices as in the Book
of Common Prayer where the Royal Family is appointed to
be particularly prayed for the following Form of Words be
used (vizt) " Our gracious Queen Charlotte, Her Royal High-
ness the Princess Dowager of Wales, and all the Royal Fam-
ily," and am by the said Instruction required to have such
his Majesty's Will and Pleasure forthwith published in the
several Parish Churches and other Places of divine Worship
within this Province that Obedience may be paid thereto ac-
cordingly: I do therefore by and with the Advice of his Lord-
ship's honourable Council publish this my Proclamation noti-
fying the same to all Rectors of Parishes, other Ministers of
the Gospel, and to all other his Majesty's good Subjects within