Sterling if you shall be fearful or remiss in the Execution of
the Premisses, And this shall be your Warrant. Witness
myself this third day of November in the Sixteenth of his
Lordships the said Lord Proprietary's Dominion and in the
year of Our Lord God Seventeen hundred and Sixty Six.
(Signed) Thos Price
Upon an Inquisition taken for the Lord Proprietary of the
Province of Maryland on the Sixth day of November in the
Sixteenth year of his said Lordship's Dominion and in the
year of Our Lord God Seventeen hundred and Sixty Six be-
fore William Blair Gentleman One of the Justices of the said
Lord Proprietary assigned to keep the Peace in Frederick
County in the Province of Maryland aforesaid and appointed
to hear and determine divers felonies Trespasses and mis-
demeanours in the same County committed, the Jurors upon
their Oath say, That John Redick of Frederick County
Farmer was for a long Time peaceably possessed and seised
in his Demesne of fee in and of part of a Tract of Land
called Carrolls Delight with its Appurtenances lying in Fred-
erick County aforesaid, and his Seisin and Possession afore-
said so Continued till William Patterson, Samuel Hall, John
Cockran and Thomas Cockran Labourers of Carrolls Delight
and other Malefactors unknown on the Twenty eighth day of
October last past with Force and Arms Vizt Swords Knives
and Guns upon the Land aforesaid Entered and him the said
John Redick so disseised and expelled from the Land afore-
said from the twenty eighth day of October last past till the
day of taking this Inquisition with the same force and Armed
Power held out and Still do hold out to the great Disturbance
of the Peace of the said Lord Proprietary and against the
form of a Statute in such Case made and Provided. Signed
and Sealed by William Waugh, James Young, Samuel Car-
rick, William Shieles, Richard Baird, James Stephenson, Eph-
raim Johnson William McCleane, John Carrick, Charles
Robertson James Wilson and William Resk.
Upon which Inquisition the following Warrant for Resti-
tution was made to the Sheriff of Frederick County. Fred-
erick County to wit. William Blair One of the Justices of the
Right honourable the Lord Proprietary assigned to keep the
Peace in Frederick County aforesaid, To George Scott Esqr
Sheriff of Frederick County Greeting as it appeareth to me
and as found by an Inquisition of the County before me on a
Tract of Land called Carrolls Delight in the County afore-
said on the Sixth day of November in the year of Our Lord
Seventeen hundred and Sixty Six upon the Oath of William
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.