Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
p. 454
Waugh James Young, Samuel Carrick, William Shiels Rich-
ard Baird, James Stevenson, Ephraim Johnson William Mc-
Clane John Carrick Charles Robinson James Wilson and Wil-
liam Resk and agreeable to the Statute in such Cases of
forcible Entry Provided that William Paterson Samuel Hall,
John Cockran and Thomas Cockran and other Malefactors un-
known on the Twenty eighth day of October last past in and
upon the Land of a certain John Redick being part of a Tract
of Land called Carrolls Delight lying in the County aforesaid
with force and Arms entered and the said John Redick with a
Strong hand disseized and from thence expelled and the said
John Redick so expelled from the said Land from the said
Twenty eighth day of October until the day of taking the said
Inquisition with a Strong hand and Power held out as by the
Inquisition aforesaid it more fully appears therefore on be-
half of the said Lord Proprietary I order and Command you
(to do this being lawfully required) together with the Power
of the County if it be necessary you go to the Land and Prem-
isses aforesaid and it with its Appurtenances you cause to be
reseised and redelivered to the aforesaid John Redick and him
in full Possession thereof to be put, And the Land and Prem-
isses to be restored to the said John Redick as full as he was
Seised and possessed thereof before the Entry aforesaid ac-
cording to the form and Effect of the Statute aforesaid.
Hereof in no part fail at your Peril. Witness myself the
aforesaid William Blair this Sixth day of November in the
year of Our Lord Seventeen hundred and Sixty Six.
Given under my hand and Seal.
(Signed) Willm Blair
Which Warrant after the making thereof was delivered to
George Scott Esqr Sheriff of Frederick County to be executed,
And the said Sheriff made a return to the said Warrant that
he could not execute it by reason of Resistance from William
Patterson, Samuel Hall, John Cockran, Thomas Cockran and
others unknown.
Upon which Case and Proceeding our Opinion being prayed
we Considering the dangerous Consequences which might
attend an attempt forcibly to make a Restitution to the said
John Redick by summoning the Power of the County and
not being well assured in what manner the Dispute between
the two Proprietaries relating to the Divisional Line of the
Province of Maryland and Pennsilvania is settled, the Land
upon which the forcible Entry aforesaid was Committed
having been Patented under Lord Baltimore and falling on the
Pensilvania side of the Divisional Line; did not think it expe-