Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
time been set up in that Line. Another Consideration, that
induces me to decline any interposition in the affair is that
the Person now in Possession had the Deed under which he
Claims, recorded in Maryland, and has paid the Quit Rent of
the Land, ever since the Violence Committed, to the Agents
of Lord Baltimore, and thereby, as I conceive, he not only
hath acknowledged, but your Government hath claimed and
exercised Jurisdiction in this Case. But though I cannot for
the Reasons I have offered, afford the injured Person the
Relief he stands in need of, you may be assured that those who
have injured him shall receive all Possible discountenance
from this Government.
I have the honour to be with great Regard
Sir your most obedient humble Servant
His Excellency John Penn.
Govr Sharpe.
We the Magistrates of Frederick County Court hereby
certify that the following Proceedings in a forcible Entry
and Detainer committed upon part of a Tract of Land called
Carrolls Delight were exhibited to us at a Court held for the
same County on the Seventh Day of December in the year
Seventeen hundred and Sixty Six Vizt
p. 453
Frederick County to wit.
Thomas Price Gentleman One of the Justices of the Right
i honourable the Lord Proprietary assigned to keep the Peace
in Frederick County aforesaid, To George Scott Esqr Sheriff
of the same County Greeting On behalf of the Right hon-
ourable the Lord Proprietary that now is I command and
direct you that you cause to come before me or some other of
his Lordship's Justices of the Peace on a certain Tract of Land
called Carrolls Delight on that part of the said Tract of Land
whereon the House of John Reddick Stands in the County
aforesaid on the Sixth day of November next coming twenty
four good Sufficient and lawfull Men of the Neighbourhood of
the said Land, in the County aforesaid every one of which
shall have forty Shillings Sterling of Lands or Tenements or
Rent a year at least beyond Reprizes to enquire upon their
Oath for the said Proprietary of an Entry made with strong
hand in and upon the Land of a certain John Reddick of
Frederick County aforesaid against the Peace of the Right
honourable the Lord Proprietary and against the Statute in
that Case made and Provided and see that upon each Juror by
you in this behalf impannelled you return Twenty Shillings
Sterling issues on the day aforesaid. Hereof fail not under
the Pain of incurring a fine of the sum of Twenty Pounds