At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Tuesday the
eighth of December in the eleventh Year of his Lordship's
Dominion Annoque Domini 1761.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Governor
The honourable Colo Edward Lloyd, Stephen Bordley Esqr
and John Ridout Esqr
Read the Conviction of Negro Ben, Slave of Elizabeth Old-
ham of Talbot County for a Felony and Burglary by him
committed in breaking open the Store House of Colo Edward
Lloyd and Henry Holyday and stealing therefrom one stock,
and Stock-Buckle, and the Justices Report thereon, which
being read and considered, and it appearing thereby that the
said Negro Ben is an Object of Mercy; Ordered that a Pardon
be made out for the said Negro Ben which issued accordingly.
At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Monday the
twenty first of December in the eleventh Year of his Lord-
ship's Dominion Annoq Domini 1761.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Governor
The honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr Stephen Bordley
Esqr and John Ridout Esqr
Read the following Instructions from his Majesty.
George R.
Instruction to our trusty and well beloved Horatio Sharpe
Esquire Deputy Governor of our Province of Maryland in
America Given at our Court at St James's the 29th Day of
September 1761, in the first year of our Reign.